
Zkmagic is a professional mini pc supplier and set top box manufacturer, committed to creating high-quality products for global customers.

What Is Core Mini Pc?

During the production of core mini pc, Shenzhen Zkmagic Technology CO.,LTD puts such a high value on the quality. We have a complete set of orderly production process, increasing the production efficiency to achieve the production target. We operate under the strict QC system from the initial stage of materials selection to the finished products. After years of development, we have passed the certification of International Organization for Standardization.

Globally, we have thousands of customers who trust ZKmagic products. We can say all we like about our products and services but the only people whose opinions we value – and learn from – are our customers. They frequently take advantage of the extensive feedback opportunities we offer to say what they like or want from ZKmagic. Our brand cannot move without this hugely valuable communication loop – and ultimately, happy customers create a win-win situation for all and help bring better ZKmagic branded products.

To provide customers with on-time delivery, as we promise on Zkmagic, we have developed an uninterrupted material supply chain by increasing collaboration with our suppliers to ensure that they can supply us required materials timely, avoiding any delay of production. We usually make a detailed production plan before production, enabling us to carry out production in a quick and accurate manner. For the shipping, we work with many reliable logistics companies to ensure the goods arrives at destination punctually and safely.

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we welcome custom designs and ideas and is able to cater to the specific requirements. for more information, please visit the website or contact us directly with questions or inquiries.
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Contact person: Lisa Wang
Tel: +86-135 3751 2649
WhatsApp:+86-135 3751 2649


6th, Dacheng Times Building, Huarong Road, Longhua District, Shenzhen,  Guang Dong, China

A manufacturer of mini computer solutions, committed to creating high-quality products for global customers.
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm   Saturday: 9am - 4pm
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